Varicose veins: what to do and what not to do?

causes of varicose veins

The treatment of any disease is accompanied by the patient's search for answers to questions concerning lifestyle, diet, medication. The success of the whole therapy depends on it.

To get rid of diseases as common as pathological varicose veins, you should know what you can and cannot do with varicose veins. Some restrictions will allow the patient to quickly resolve the pathology and rule out recurrence.

Main methods of treating varicose veins

After visiting the phlebologist, the patient will be given a series of recommendations regarding his treatment.

The following medications may be prescribed:

  • Venotonic and angioprotective agents;
  • Ointments and gels - used as a complex treatment, as well as to remove mild manifestations in the form of spider veins;
  • Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, external forms of drugs based on them are necessary for the treatment of advanced forms of varicose veins;
  • NSAIL - to relieve pain and relieve inflammation in phlebitis;
  • Drugs that prevent blood clotting and dissolve existing blood clots are prescribed for venous thrombosis.

Unfortunately, medications are not always enough. At an advanced stage, the physician may suggest considering surgical treatment options. Removal of the affected vein is one of the types of operations. This difficult operation is sometimes the only way to get rid of the pathology. Minimally invasive techniques include sclerotherapy and laser exposure to blood vessels.

Because varicose veins involve an increase in the diameter of vascular branches, their mechanical compression significantly improves patient well-being. All patients should wear compression stockings. It is chosen by the doctor based on the stage of the disease. In addition, your doctor may recommend exercise therapy, massage, and physiotherapy.

What can you do at home?

methods of treating varicose veins

Varicose veins are often accompanied by swelling and pain in the legs in the evening. You can get rid of the symptoms quickly. You should lie on your back, legs raised above body level (you can lean on the edge of a chair or sofa). You should be in this position for at least 20 minutes. Exercise should be performed daily if varicose veins are detected and suspected.

To improve blood flow, you can ride a "bike" lying on your back for 1 minute, 3 sets. To activate the work of the calf muscles, the veins of the legs will enable walking on the toes. This allows you to roll from heel to toe.

Other exercises for varicose veins:

  • bending toes and hands at the same time
  • foot flexion / extension,
  • stop rotation,
  • squats,
  • alternately raising the knees to the body,
  • walking on the outer and inner surface of the foot.

Walk daily to lose weight without damaging your veins. The distance should be gradually increased. It is better to start from a short distance, which will last a maximum of 15 minutes at a light pace. You need to prepare comfortable shoes, water and compression clothes for the walk. You should not be dehydrated, so bring a small bottle of water with you.

It is important to remember that walking without an anti-varicose jersey can make the disease worse. Sportswear and footwear must not impede movement, as well as pulling the skin with rubber bands.

If you have a treadmill at home, you can adjust the distance of 1 km at a speed of no more than 5 km / h without incline. During the first week, it is best not to increase the load. Once you become confident in your abilities, you should extend the distance a bit.

Traditional methods of treating varicose veins

Traditional medicine can be used to treat varicose veins. They are safer than medications, but still require prior consultation with a doctor.

  1. Wash kalanchoe leaves, chop, pour into a glass jar with a capacity of 500 ml. Half a jar or bottle should be filled. The remaining space should be filled with vodka. Remove the infusion in a dark place for 1 week. Shake the solution occasionally. After a week, you can use a medicinal infusion to wipe the affected areas with varicose veins.
  2. 50 g of wild chestnut flowers should be poured with 500 ml of vodka, infused for 2 weeks. The resulting solution should be drunk 30 drops 3 times before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  3. Squeeze fresh potato juice, moisten a natural fiber bandage with it, put a bandage on varicose veins at night.
  4. Whey milk compresses for the night.
  5. Pour white acacia flowers into a bottle, fill them with vodka to the top, insist. The solution should be used to treat swollen varicose veins.
  6. An infusion of birch buds is prepared in the same way. It will take 10 days for the solution to saturate with useful substances.
  7. Foot ointment: take 10 grams of chopped chamomile flowers, the same amount of sage leaves, 50 g of chestnut fruit (pre-grind), 5 g of plain starch. Mix everything, add 200 grams of heated chicken fat. The resulting mass should be heated in a water bath for 2, 5 hours. After that, it is necessary to cool everything and let it cook overnight. The ointment can be used several times a day for long-term defeat of varicose veins.

It is important to remember that traditional methods of treatment only work in combination with traditional medicine. Lifestyle changes and weight loss may be needed.

What is forbidden in varicose veins?

which is forbidden in varicose veins

There are a number of limitations to the disease identified. First, lifting heavy loads should be avoided. This also applies to those who want to do sports related to strength training. In this case, the condition may worsen.

Girls with varicose veins cannot use the following types of cosmetic procedures:

  • shugaring, hair removal with hot wax;
  • enzymatic and quantum types of hair removal;
  • plucking hair with tweezers;
  • hot compresses in SPA, it is better to replace them with hydromassage or cold compresses;
  • tattoo in the area of ​​affected veins.

Because varicose veins can be found in any part of the body, including the small pelvis, women should not have an abortion. This can be dangerous due to the high risk of bleeding.

If varicose veins are treated at home, you should exclude procedures related to warming the extremities: hot compresses, baths. It is better to use rubbing tinctures, contrast shower.

Those who monitor their physical condition will have to give up some exercises: jumping rope, squatting with a load, long runs, aerobics, shaping, cycling, dancing. Walking and swimming are helpful.

Cosmetic massage can also be harmful for varicose veins. During the procedure, it is possible to redistribute blood flow to other veins and involve them in the pathological process. Therefore, massage courses should be performed only in a medical facility after medical examinations.

The varicose vein diet excludes foods rich in animal fats, spicy and salty foods, vinegar and large amounts of coffee. You should adhere to a rational balanced diet, which you can choose together with a nutritionist based on your anthropometric data.